- The Future Economy and Inclusive Competitiveness®: How Demographic Trends and Innovation Can Create Economic Prosperity for All Americans – Get The Paperback
- The Future Economy and Inclusive Competitiveness®: How Demographic Trends and Innovation Can Create Economic Prosperity for All Americans – Get The Kindle Edition
- New Book on Future U.S. Economy by Former NFL Player Receives Critical Acclaim
- Ohio Board of Regents (now, Ohio Department of Higher Education): Inclusive Competitiveness®: Empowering Underepresented Ohioants to Compete in the Innovation Economy
- Economic Development Journal: Inclusive Clusters: Embedding Inclusiveness in Cluster POlicy and Practice
- Huffington Post: The Trump Presidenty, A New American Center and Push-Down/Pull-Down Economics
- Techcrunch: America’s Whitest City Explodes with a Fusion of Inclusion
- CEOs for Cities: The Economic Inclusion and Competitiveness Imperative
- Forbes: Local Leadership Key in Inclusive Economic Competitiveness
- Washington Post: Black America Needs Angels to Create Entrepreneurs, Not Superman
- Global Detroit: Inclusive Competitiveness: Connecting Blacks and Latinos to The new Economy
- Governing Magazine: Struggling Cities and the Promise of Inclusive Competitiveness
- Case Foundation Blog: The Myth of STEM; The Only Way
- Huffington Post: Closing Tech-Innovation Divide and the Wealth Gap
- PBS: Black America: Let us Save us
- Reducing Achievement Gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in Mexico for High School students
- Progress and Factors that Contribute to Closing the STEM Achievement Gap (Paper)
- Progress and Factors that Contribute to Closing the STEM Achievement Gap (Video)
- Grade 5 report
- Grade 9 report
- Three videos-OSPrI website
- OSPrI Logic Model ExecutiveSummary
- Scientive American: Science for all: A new breed of schools is closing achievement gaps among students and may hold the key to a revitalized 21st-century workforce
- Education Leadership: Building STEM opportunities for all
- Kappan: Distributing leadership in Inclusive STEM High Schools: A Way to increase opportunities for underrepresented students.
- Wayne School of Engineering: A case study of an inclusive STEM-focused high school. School Science and Mathematics
- A day in the life of Carlos: An eleventh-grade student’s experience with STEM education at Southwest New Tech High School, an inclusive STEM high school (OSPrI Report 2015-03)
- A day in the life of Kizzy: A senior’s experiencce of STEM education at Midwestern Early College High School, an inclusive STEM high school (OSPrI Report 2105-06).
- Beyond ‘Hidden Figures’: Nurturing New Black and Latino Math Whizzes
- https://www.smfnonprofit.org/
- http://www.theleadershipalliance.org/
- Our Story
- Leadership Alliance Video
- The South African component of the Trends in International Mathematics and Science study
- Closing the Achievement Gap from an International Perspective
- The Politics of Achievement Gaps: U.S. Public Opinion on Race-Based and Wealth-Based Differences in Test Scores
- NCSMT Center-Statement of Work-Time and Effort
- SMT I3 initiative
- President’s Initiative to have 100 thousand teachers trained in STEM in 10 years
- NAS – STEM Learning is Everywhere Convocation (Presenter)
- Science Everywhere – Overdeck Family Foundation and Donors Choose (Judge) (Ongoing. Judging will be this summer.)
- Singapore Math with BWF (Math Coach)
- STEM Ecosystems (member of grant review team)
- BWF Grant Award – Student Science Enrichment Program (SSEP)
- BWF Grant Award – Career Awards for Science and Math Teachers (CASMT)
- BWF Grant Award – Promoting Innovation in Science and Math (PRISM)
- BWF Grant Award – Postdoctoral Enrichment Program (PDEP)
- BWF Grant Award – Graduate Diversity Enrichment Program (GDEP)
- Two special initiative awards are as follows (BWF Fast Track and BWF Singapore Math Pilot)
- Articles published in a partnership with a local media group (BWF Fast Track and BWF Scholars)
- BWF engaged in policy influence – Public School Forum Report – Study Group XVI
- A collaboration between The Connectory and the NC STEM Center referenced as the Connectory Exchange Serves as a one stop shop for K-12 STEM programs and opportunities as well as the aggregator for statewide tools and resources.
- Citations and Abstracts for the 2017 Special Issue of the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
- Citations and Abstracts of the 2016 STEM special issue of the Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
- Ohio Youth STEM Commercialization and Entrepreneurship Program (Believe in Ohio)
- Meyerhoff Scholars Program: A Strengths-Based, Institution-Wide Approach to Increasing Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- Outcomes and Processes in the Meyerhoff Scholars Program: STEM PhD Completion, Sense of Community, Perceived Program Benefit, Science Identity, and Research Self-Efficacy
- Teacher leader program for nurturing STEM equity at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG)
- Inclusive STEM School Video (3 minutes)
- “Real World” and research HUBs-1
- “Real World” and research HUBs-2
- Hubs including student research portal
- Student-audience portal
- Existing programs for finding/matching mentors-1
- Existing programs for finding/matching mentors-2